ParametersM-Max Series Adjustable Frequency Drive MN04020003E—October 2013 85Drives Control, continuedAutomatic Restart After Error Message(Two Start Attempts)PNU IDAccessRUN Value/Range DescriptionFactory Setting(P1.3)P6.10 717 X — REAF, Wait time before an automatic restart 0.500.10–10.00s Active, if P6.13 = 1 and P3.1 = 0Waiting time until automatic restart, after the detectederror has disappeared(REAF = Restart After Failure)P6.11 718 X — REAF, Testing period over automatic restarts 30.000.00–60.00s Active, if P6.13 = 1Timed monitoring of the automatic restartThe monitoring time begins with the first automatic restart.If more than three error messages occur during the testingperiod, fault status is activated. Otherwise, the error isacknowledged after the test time has elapsed and the testtime is only started again with the next error. The number offault occurrences before a fault is indicated is defined by P6.30P6.12 719 X — REAF, Start function with automatic restart 00 Ramp (acceleration)1 Flying restart circuit2 According to P6.7P6.13 731 X — REAF, automatic restart after an error message 00 Deactivated1 ActivatedP6.14 1600 — Stop on direction change via the arrow buttons (>) of thekeypad (KEYPAD)10 Deactivated, changes the direction of rotation (FWD REV)automatically on passing setpoint zero1 Activated, stops the drive at setpoint zero and requiresanother actuation of the Start buttonFAULTRESETSTARTTESTP6.10P6.11P6.10 P6.10ItemNumber Description1 First automatic restart2 Second automatic restart3 Shut-off when error detected4 Motor stop signalTEST = monitored test timFAULT = shut-off when error message occursRESET = reset error message (FAULT)