ParametersM-Max Series Adjustable Frequency Drive MN04020003E—October 2013 75Digital Inputs, continuedPNU IDAccessRUN Value/Range DescriptionFactory Setting(P1.3)P3.22 1409 — PLC program pause 0Like P3.2 Assignment of control signal terminalPause will occur in between steps of the PLC program untilcontrol signal is removedP3.23 1410 — Counter, input signal 0Like P3.2 Assignment of control signal terminalCounts the activation of the selected digital input (DI1–DI6)P3.24 1411 — Counter, reset 0Like P3.2 Assignment of control signal terminalResets the outputs P5.1–P5.3 = 20 and/or 21 and display valueM1.21 to zeroP3.25 1412 — Activate secondary remote control source 0Like P3.2 Assignment of control signal terminalMove between the control levels set at P6.1 and P6.17(LOC-REM function)P3.26 1413 — Activate secondary remote speed reference 0Like P3.2 Assignment of control signal terminalSwitch between the setpoint sources AI1 and AI2 set atP6.2 and P6.18P3.27 1414 — Activate second parameter set (2PS) 0Like P3.2 Assignment of control signal terminalThe values set at the parameter group P14 are activatedP3.28 1415 — Fieldbus, remote input 0Like P3.2 Assignment of control signal terminalThe assigned digital input is written directly to the generalstatus word (ID 2102, bit 11)P3.29 1416 — Counter reference value 1 00–65,535 Trigger value for P5.1–P5.3 = 20P3.30 1417 — Counter reference value 2 00–65,535 Trigger value for P5.1–P5.3 = 21P3.31 1418 — DI1 logic (control signal terminal 8) 0The logic activates the response of the control signalterminal (see figure on Page 71)N/O contact (failsafe) N/C contact0 N/O contact1 N/C contactP3.32 1419 — DI2 logic (control signal terminal 9) 0Like P3.31 Function