Parameters96 M-Max Series Adjustable Frequency Drive MN04020003E—October 2013 www.eaton.comPID Controller, continuedPNU IDAccessRUN Value/Range DescriptionFactory Setting(P1.3)P9.6 334 — PID controller, process variable (PV) source(Actual value or feedback)20 Fieldbus1 AI1 and S2, (see figure on Page 39)P2.1 = 0 (0 mA/0V)P2.1 = 1 (4 mA/2V)2 AI2 and S3, (see figure on Page 39)P2.5 = 0 (0 mA/0V)P2.5 = 1 (4 mA/2V)P9.7 336 — PID controller, actual value limiting, minimum 0.00–100% —P9.8 337 — PID controller, actual value limiting, maximum 100.00–100% —P9.9 340 — PID controller, controller deviation 00 Not inverted1 InvertedInverted PID control (P9.9 = 1) is used in applications in whichthe feedback value generator supplies an inverted signalExample: With increasing pressure, a pressure sensor outputsignal (+10V…0V = 0…max. bar) dropsP9.10 132 — PID controller, D rate time 0.000–10s Differential time constantP9.11 1431 — PID controller, output filter, delay time 0.00.00–10.00s —P9.12 1016 — Sleep mode, frequency 0.000–P6.4 Hz The frequency inverter stops automatically if the frequency ofthe drive drops below the sleep level defined by this parameterfor a longer period than the time defined by parameter P9.14P9.13 1018 — Sleep mode, wake up setpoint 25.00.00–100% The wake up setpoint defines the value which the PID controllerprocess value (P9.6) must drop below before a RUN mode ofthe frequency inverter is restored.P9.14 1017 — Sleep mode, delay time 300–3600s This parameter determines the minimum period in which thefrequency inverter must stay below the frequency set at P9.12before the frequency inverter is stopped