Serial Interface (Modbus RTU)M-Max Series Adjustable Frequency Drive MN04020003E—October 2013 141Function Code 06 (hex): Writing a Holding RegisterThis function writes the data to a holding register (ofspecified register addresses).Example:Writing of the control word (BUS) (ID 2001) of an MMXfrequency inverter with the slave address 5.Master request: 05 06 07D0 0003 C2C8 (hex)Slave response: 05 06 07D0 0003 C8C2 (hex)The slave response is a copy of the master request if it is anormal response.Function code 06 (hex) can be used for broadcasting.Function Code 10 (hex): Writing of the Holding RegistersThis function writes data to a number of consecutive holdingregisters (of specified register addresses).CAUTIONAlthough the registers to be written are consecutive, the IDnumbers of the parameter list are not. Only the ID numbersin the process data list are consecutive.Example:Writing of the control word (ID 2001) of the general controlword (ID 2002) and the speed setpoint (ID2003) of an MMXfrequency inverter with the slave address 5.Master request:05 10 07D0 0003 06 0001 0000 2710 D125 (hex)Slave response: 05 10 07D0 0003 8101 (hex)Function code 10 (hex) can be used for broadcasting.Hex Name05 Slave address06 Function code (here: Writing of a holding register)07D0 2000 (dec): The ID number of the written register is2001 (dec) as the master PLC has an offset of +10003 Content (2 bytes) for register 42101:0000 0000 0000 0011 [bin]See anticlockwise, RUNC2C8 CRCHex Name05 Slave address06 Function code (here: Writing of a holding register)07D0 2000 (dec): The ID number of the first requested registeris 2001 (dec) as the master PLC has an offset of +10003 Content (2 bytes) for register 42101:0000 0000 0000 0011 (bin)See anticlockwise, RUNC8C2 CRCHex Name05 Slave address10 Function code (here: Writing of the holding registers)07D0 2000 (dec): The ID number of the first writtenregister is 2001 (dec) as the master PLC has an offset of +10003 Total number of requested registers(42001–42103)06 Number of consecutive data bytes(3 registers x 2 bytes = 6 bytes)0001 Content (2 bytes) for register 42101:0000 0000 0000 0001 (bin) (Start command)0000 Content (2 bytes) for register 42102:0000 (dec) (no content, as not used)2710 Content (2 bytes) for register 42103:10.000 (dec) (frequency setpoint = 100.00%)D125 CRCHex Name05 Slave address10 Function code (here: Writing of the holding registers)07D0 2000 (dec): The ID number of the first written registeris 2001 (dec) as the master PLC has an offset of +10003 Total number of requested registers(42001–42103)8101 CRC