OperationM-Max Series Adjustable Frequency Drive MN04020003E—October 2013 www.eaton.com 53Operational Data Indicator (Operational)The start release is done by actuating one of the digital inputswith +24V:● Terminal 8: FWD = Clockwise rotating field (Forward Run)● Terminal 9: REV = Counterclockwise rotating field(Reverse Run)The control commands are interlocked (exclusive OR) andrequire a rising voltage edge.The start release (FWD, REV) is shown in the top status line(LCD display) by the arrow ( ) switching from STOP to RUN.The frequency is shown with a minus sign with a startrelease with a left rotating field (REV).A controlled run-down can be set using parameter P6.8(STOP function) (P6.8 = 1).The relevant deceleration time is set in parameter P6.6. Theacceleration time are set in parameter P6.5.Information on settings and the description of theparameters used here are provided in “Drives Control (P6)”on Page 82.Operation (RUN) via Control Signal Terminal (I/O) withLeft Rotating Field (REV) (for example, –12.34 Hz)You can now set the output frequency (0–60 Hz) andtherefore the speed of the connected AC motor (0–nmotor )with the setpoint value potentiometer via terminal 2(proportional voltage signal 0–10V). The change in outputfrequency here is delayed based on the specifiedacceleration and deceleration ramps. In the factory settings,these times are set to 3 seconds.The acceleration and deceleration ramps specify thetime change for the output frequency: from zero tofmax (FS = 60 Hz) or from fmax back to zero.The figure on Page 54 shows a good example of theprocess, if the release signal (FWD/REV) is switched on andthe maximum setpoint voltage (+10V) is applied. The speedof the motor follows the output frequency depending on theload and moment of inertia (slip), from zero to nmax .If the release signal (FWD, REV) is switched off duringoperation, the inverter is blocked immediately (STOP). Themotor comes to an uncontrolled stop (see [1] in the figure onPage 54).RUN STOP ALARM FAULTREADYREFFWD REV I/O KEYPAD BUSMONPARFLTRUN STOP ALARM FAULTREADYREFFWD REV I/O KEYPAD BUSMONPARFLTDisplay in automatic alternationBy actuating the OK button, you can set the displaymode to stay on the value for the output frequency(0.00 Hz).OKThe stop command can also be given via the STOPbutton on the operating unit. The STOP button isactive in all operating modes. It can be disabled withparameter (P6.16 = 0).RUN STOP ALARM FAULTREADYREFFWD REV I/O KEYPAD BUSMONPARFLT