Serial Interface (Modbus RTU)M-Max Series Adjustable Frequency Drive MN04020003E—October 2013 139Status Word (ID 2101)Information on the device status and messages are defined in the status word:General Status Word (ID 2102)Actual Speed (Frequency Actual Value)The actual speed of the frequency inverter is within a value range of 0 and 10,000. In theapplication, this value is scaled to a percentage in the frequency range between the definedminimum and maximum frequencies.BitDescriptionValue = 0 Value = 10 Drive not ready Ready for operation (READY)1 Stop Running operation message (RUN)2 Clockwise rotating field (FWD) Anticlockwise rotating field (REV)3 No fault Fault detected (FAULT)4 No warning Warning active (ALARM)5 Acceleration ramp Frequency actual value equals setpoint value definition6 — Zero speed7 Speed control deactivated Speed control activated8–15 Not usedBitDescriptionValue = 0 Value = 10 — Control level = Fieldbus (BUS)1 — Setpoint input = Fieldbus (BUS)2–10 Not used11 Remote input not active Remote input activeThe status of a selected digital input (P3.28) is read out12 Actuation (P3.37) not active Actuation (P3.37) active13 — Control level = Control signal terminals (I/O)14 — Control level = KEYPAD15 — Control level = Fieldbus (BUS)15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0MSB LSB