4–24 469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 4: INTERFACESSettings files are organized on the basis of file names assigned by the user. A Settings filecontains data pertaining to the following types of relay settings:• Device Definition• Product Setup• System Setup• Digital Inputs• Output Relays• Protection Elements• Monitoring Functions• Analog Inputs and Outputs• Relay Testing• Settings for Two-Speed Motors• User Memory Map Setting ToolFactory default values are supplied and can be restored after any changes.The EnerVista 469 Setup display relay settings with the same hierarchy as the front paneldisplay. For specific details on settings, refer to Chapter 5.Downloading and Saving Settings FilesSettings must be saved to a file on the local PC before performing any firmware upgrades.Saving settings is also highly recommended before making any settings changes orcreating new Settings files.The EnerVista 469 Setup window, Settings files are accessed in the Settings List control barwindow or the Files Window. Use the following procedure to download and save Settingsfiles to a local PC.Z Ensure that the site and corresponding device(s) have been properlydefined and configured as shown in Connecting EnerVista 469 Setup tothe Relay on page 4–16.Z Select the desired device from the site list.Z Select the File > Read Settings from Device menu item to obtainsettings information from the device.After a few seconds of data retrieval, the software will request the name and destinationpath of the Settings file. The corresponding file extension will be automatically assigned.Z Press Save to complete the process. A new entry will be added to thetree, in the File pane, showing path and file name for the Settings file.Adding Settings Files to the EnvironmentThe EnerVista 469 Setup software provides the capability to review and manage a largegroup of Settings files. Use the following procedure to add a new or existing file to the list.Z In the files pane, right-click on ‘Files’.Z Select the Add Existing Settings File item as shown: