6–18 469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUESFIGURE 6–3: Phase Angle Measurement ConventionThe EnerVista 469 Setup software follows this convention and displays vectors accordingly.The 469 Motor Management Relay works with lagging angles only.The following is a typical presentation of a three-phase system where current lags thevoltage by 30 degrees.FIGURE 6–4: Current Lagging Voltage by 30° DisplayThe phasors shown by the relay and the EnerVista 469 Setup software are a clearrepresentation of the relationship between the system quantities as seen by the relay.The ACTUAL VALUES ZV PHASORS page is a useful troubleshooting tool to identify wiringerrors. Use the phasors displayed by the relay and the tables on pages –22 and –25 todetermine if VTs and CTs are on the correct phases and their polarity is correct. Problemsarising from incorrect wiring include:806561A2.CDRPositive Angle Direction0°469 Phase Angle Reference315° Lag270° Lag225° Lag180° Lag135° Lag90° Lag45° Lag