CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–73RTDs 7 through 10 default to “Bearing” RTD type. There are individual alarm and tripconfigurations for each RTD. This allows one of the RTDs to be turned off if it malfunctions.The alarm level, high alarm level and the trip level are normally set slightly above thenormal running temperature, but below the bearing temperature rating. Trip voting hasbeen added for extra reliability in the event of RTD malfunction. If enabled, a second RTDmust also exceed the trip temperature of the RTD being checked before a trip will beissued. If the RTD is chosen to vote with itself, the voting feature is disabled. Each RTDname may be changed if desired.5.9.4 RTD 11PATH: SETTINGS ZV S8 RTD TEMPERATURE ZV RTD #11RTD 11 defaults to “Other” RTD type. The Other selection allows the RTD to be used tomonitor any temperature that might be required, either for a process or additionalbearings or other. There are individual alarm, high alarm and trip configurations for this RTD#11 [Z]RTD #11 APPLICA-TION:Range: Stator, Bearing, Ambient, Other,NoneMESSAGE RTD #11 NAME: Range: 8 alphanumeric charactersMESSAGE RTD #11 ALARM:OffRange: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE ASSIGN ALARMRELAYS:Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2,Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm &Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 &Aux3, Auxiliary3MESSAGE RTD #11 ALARMTEMPERATURE: 80°CRange: 1 to 250°C in steps of 1MESSAGE RTD #7 HIGHALARM:Range: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE HIGH ALARMRELAYS:Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2,Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm &Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 &Aux3, Auxiliary3MESSAGE RTD #11 HIGHALARMRange: 1 to 250°C in steps of 1MESSAGE RTD #11 ALARMEVENTS: OffRange: On, OffMESSAGE RTD #11 TRIP:OffRange: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE RTD #11 TRIP VOT-ING:Range: RTD #1 to RTD #12MESSAGE ASSIGN TRIPRELAYS:Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip &Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3MESSAGE RTD #11 TRIPTEMPERATURE: 90°CRange: 1 to 250°C in steps of 1