4–2 469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 4: INTERFACES4.1.3 LED IndicatorsThere are three groups of LED indicators. They are 469 Status, Motor Status, and OutputRelays.FIGURE 4–1: 469 LED INDICATORS469 Status LED Indicators• 469 IN SERVICE: This LED indicates that control power is applied, all monitoredinputs/outputs and internal systems are OK, the 469 has been programmed, andthe 469 is in protection mode, not simulation mode. This LED flashes when the 469is in simulation or testing mode.• SEETPOINT ACCESS: This LED indicates that the access jumper is installed andpasscode protection has been satisfied; settings may be altered and stored.• COMPUTER RS232: This LED flashes when there is any activity on thecommunication port. The LED remains on solid if incoming data is valid.• COMPUTER RS485: Flashes when there is any activity on the communication port.Remains on solid if incoming data is valid and intended for the slave addressprogrammed in the relay.• AUXILIARY RS485: Flashes when there is any activity on the communication port.Remains on solid if incoming data is valid and intended for the slave addressprogrammed in the relay.• LOCKOUT: Indicates start attempts will be blocked either by a programmedlockout time or a condition that is still present.• RESET POSSIBLE: A trip or latched alarm may be reset. Press the RESET key toclear the trip or alarm.• MESSAGE: Flashes when a trip, alarm, or start block occurs. Pressing the MESSAGEkeys scroll through diagnostic messages. This LED remains solid when settings andactual value messages are being viewed. Pressing the RESET key returns thedisplay to the default messages. Under normal conditions, the default messagesselected during settings programming are displayed. If any alarm or trip conditionis generated, a diagnostic message overrides the displayed message and thisindicator flashes. If there is more than one condition present, MESSAGE T can beused to scroll through the messages. Pressing any other key return to the normallydisplayed messages. While viewing normally displayed messages, the MessageLED continues to flash if any diagnostic message is active. To return to the806977A1.CDR