CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6–116.3 A2 Metering Data6.3.1 Current MeteringPATH: ACTUAL VALUES ZV A2 METERING DATA Z CURRENT METERINGAll measured current values are displayed here. The CURRENT UNBALANCE is defined as theratio of negative-sequence to positive-sequence current, I2 / I1 when the motor isoperating at a load (I avg) greater than FLA. If the motor I avg is less than FLA, unbalance isdefined as I2 / I1 × Iavg / FLA. This derating is necessary to prevent nuisance alarms andtrips when a motor is lightly loaded. The U/B BIASED MOTOR LOAD value shows theequivalent motor heating current caused by the unbalance k factor.CURRENT [Z]METERINGA: 0 B:0C: 0 AmpsRange: 0 to 100000 AMESSAGE AVERAGE PHASECURRENT: 0 AmpsRange: 0 to 100000 AMESSAGE MOTOR LOAD:0.00 x FLARange: 0.00 to 20.00 x FLAMESSAGE CURRENT UNBAL-ANCE:MESSAGE U/B BIASED MOTORLOAD: 0.00 x FLARange: 0.00 to 20.00 x FLAMESSAGE GROUND CURRENT:0.00 AmpsRange: 0.00 to 5000.00 A. Not seen ifGround CT is set as “None”.MESSAGE A: 0 B:0Range: 0 to 5000 A. Seen if PhaseDifferential CT has 1A/5ASecondary