2–8 469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTIONpower factor; 3-phase real (kW), apparent (kVA), andreactive (kvar) power; thermal capacity used; relaylockout time, current demand; kvar, kW, and kVA demand;motor load, torqueOUTPUT RELAYSRelay contacts are unsafe to touch when the 469 is energized! If the output relaycontacts are required for low voltage accessible applications, it is the customer'sresponsibility to ensure proper insulation levels.Configuration: .................................................6 Electromechanical Form CContact material: ..........................................silver alloyOperate time: ..................................................10 msMake/carry: .......................................................10 A continuous30 A for 0.2 sMax ratings for 100000 operations:2.2.3 ProtectionACCELERATION TIMERPickup: .................................................................transition of no phase current to > overload pickupDropout:..............................................................when current falls below overload pickupTime delay: ........................................................1.0 to 250.0 s in steps of 0.1Timing accuracy: ...........................................±100 ms or ±0.5% of total timeElements:............................................................TripCURRENT UNBALANCEUnbalance: ........................................................I 2 / I 1 if I avg > FLAI2 / I 1 × Iavg / FLA if Iavg < FLARange:..................................................................0 to 100% UB in steps of 1Pickup level:.......................................................4 to 40% UB in steps of 1Time delay: ........................................................1 to 60 s in steps of 1Pickup accuracy: ...........................................±2%Timing accuracy: ...........................................±0.5 s or ± 0.5% of total timeElements:............................................................Trip and AlarmFREQUENCYReq’d voltage: .................................................>30% of full scale in phase AOverfrequency pickup: ...............................25.01 to 70.00 Hz in steps of 0.01Underfrequency pickup: ............................20.00 to 60.00 Hz in steps of 0.01Accuracy:............................................................±0.02 HzTime delay: ........................................................0.1 to 60.0 s in steps of 0.1VOLTAGE BREAK MAX.LOADDCRESISTIVE30 V 10 A 300 Ω125 V 0.5 A 62.5 Ω250 V 0.3 A 75 ΩDCINDUCTIVE L/R=40ms30 V 5 A 150 Ω125 V 0.25 A 31.3 Ω250 V 0.15 A 37.5 ΩACRESISTIVE120 V 10 A 2770 VA250 V 10 A 2770 VAACINDUCTIVEP.F.=0.4120 V 4 A 480 VA250 V 3 A 750 VA