CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–215.3.5 Reduced VoltagePATH: SETTINGS ZV S2 SYSTEM SETUP ZV REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTINGThe 469 can control the transition of a reduced voltage starter from reduced to full voltage.That transition may be based on “Current Only”, “Current and Timer”, or “Current or Timer”(whichever comes first). When the 469 measures the transition of no motor current tosome value of motor current, a 'Start' is assumed to be occurring (typically current will risequickly to a value in excess of FLA, e.g. 3 × FLA). At this point, the REDUCED VOLTAGE STARTTIMER is initialized with the programmed value in seconds.• If “Current Only” is selected, when the motor current falls below the user'sprogrammed Transition Level, transition will be initiated by activating the assignedoutput relay for 1 second. If the timer expires before that transition is initiated, anIncomplete Sequence Trip will occur activating the assigned trip relay(s).• If “Current or Timer” is selected, when the motor current falls below the user'sprogrammed Transition Level, transition will be initiated by activating the assignedoutput relay for 1 second. If the timer expires before that transition is initiated, thetransition will be initiated regardless.• If “Current and Timer” is selected, when the motor current falls below the user'sprogrammed Transition Level and the timer expires, transition will be initiated byactivating the assigned output relay for 1 second. If the timer expires before currentfalls below the Transition Level, an Incomplete Sequence Trip will occur activating theassigned trip relay(s).REDUCED [REDUCED VOLTAGESTARTING: OffRange: On, OffMESSAGE ASSIGN CONTROLRELAYS:Range: Auxilary2, Aux2 & Aux3,Auxiliary3MESSAGE TRANSITION ON:Current OnlyRange: Current Only, Current or Timer,Current and TimerMESSAGE ASSIGN TRIPRELAYS:Range: Trip, Trip & Aux2, Trip & Aux2 &Aux3, Trip & Aux3MESSAGE REDUCED VOLTAGESTART LEVEL: 100%Range: 25 to 300% in steps of 1MESSAGE REDUCED VOLTAGESTART TIMER: 200Range: 1 to 600 s in steps of 1