1–10 469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 1: GETTING STARTEDNote that enabling settings access on one interface does not automatically enable accessfor any of the other interfaces (i.e., the passcode must be explicitly set in the relay via theinterface from which access is desired).A front panel command can disable settings access once all modifications are complete.For the communications ports, writing an invalid passcode into the register previouslyused to enable settings access disables access. In addition, settings access isautomatically disabled on an interface if no activity is detected for thirty minutes.The EnerVista 469 Setup software incorporates a facility for programming the relay'spasscode as well as enabling and disabling settings access. For example, when an attemptis made to modify a settings but access is restricted, the software will prompt the user toenter the passcode and send it to the relay before the settings is actually written to therelay. If a SCADA system is used for relay programming, it is the programmer'sresponsibility to incorporate appropriate security for the application.1.3.2 The HELP KeyPressing the HELP key displays context-sensitive information about settings such as therange of values and the method of changing the settings. Help messages willautomatically scroll through all messages currently appropriate.1.3.3 Numerical SettingsEach numerical settings has its own minimum, maximum, and step value. Theseparameters define the acceptable settings value range. Two methods of editing andstoring a numerical settings value are available.The first method uses the 469 numeric keypad in the same way as any electroniccalculator. A number is entered one digit at a time with the 0 to 9 and decimal keys. Theleft-most digit is entered first and the right-most digit is entered last. Pressing ESCAPEbefore the ENTER key returns the original value to the display.The second method uses the VALUE S key to increment the displayed value by the stepvalue, up to a maximum allowed value. Likewise, the VALUE T key decrements thedisplayed value by the step value, down to a minimum value. For example:Z Select the S2 SYSTEM SETUP ZV VOLTAGE SENSING Z MOTORNAMEPLATE VOLTAGE settings message.Z Press the 1, 3, 8, 0, and 0 keys. The display message will change asshown.Until the ENTER key is pressed, editing changes are not registered by the relay.MOTOR NAMEPLATEVOLTAGE: 4000 VMOTOR NAMEPLATEVOLTAGE: 13800 V