CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6–276.4 A3 Learned Data6.4.1 Motor StartingPATH: ACTUAL VALUES ZV A3 LEARNED DATA Z MOTOR STARTINGThe 469 learns the acceleration time, the starting current, as well as, the thermal capacityrequired during motor starts. This data is accumulated based on the last five starts. The469 also keeps statistics for last acceleration time, last starting current, and last startingcapacity. This information can be reset to default using the S1 469 SETUP ZV INSTALLATIONZV RESET MOTOR INFORMATION settings.If motor load during starting is relatively consistent, the LEARNED ACCELERATION TIMEmay be used to fine tune the acceleration protection. Learned acceleration time will be thelongest time of the last five successful starts. The time is measured from the transition ofmotor current from zero to greater than overload pickup, until line current falls below theoverload pickup level.LEARNED STARTING CURRENT is measured 200 ms after the transition of motor currentfrom zero to greater than overload pickup. This should ensure that the measured current issymmetrical. The value displayed is the average of the last 5 successful starts. If there areless than 5 starts, 0s will be averaged in for the full 5 starts.The LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY is used to determine if there is enough thermal capacityto permit a start (refer to Start Inhibit on page 5–66 for more information on start inhibit). Ifthere is not enough thermal capacity for a start, a start inhibit will be issued. Starting willbe blocked until there is sufficient thermal capacity.MOTOR [Z]STARTINGLEARNED ACCELERA-TIONTIME: 0.0 sRange: 0.0 to 200.0 sec.MESSAGE LEARNED STARTINGCURRENT: 0 ARange: 0 to 50000 AMESSAGE LEARNED STARTINGCAPACITY: 0% usedRange: 0 to 100%MESSAGE LAST ACCELERATIONTIME: 0.0 sRange: 0.0 to 200.0 sec.MESSAGE LAST STARTINGCURRENT: 0 ARange: 0 to 50000 AMESSAGE LAST STARTINGCAPACITY: 0% usedRange: 0 to 100%