CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 6–39forgotten, contact the factory with the encrypted access code. See Passcode on page5–8 for passcode features.• ACCESS DENIED, SHORT ACCESS SWITCH: In order to store any settings values, theaccess switch must be shorted. If this message appears and it is necessary to changea settings, short access terminals C1 and C2.• ALL POSSIBLE RESETS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED: If only some of the trip and alarmfeatures that are active can be cleared (i.e. the conditions that caused some of thesetrips and/or alarms are still present), then this message will appear when a RESET isperformed, indicating that only trips and alarms that could be reset have been reset.• ARE YOU SURE? PRESS [ENTER] TO VERIFY: If the RESET key is pressed and resettingof any trip or alarm feature is possible, this message will appear to ask for verificationof the operation. If RESET is pressed again while the message is still on the display, thereset will be performed.• DATA CLEARED SUCCESSFULLY: This message confirms that data has been cleared orreset in the S1 469 SETUP ZV CLEAR DATA or S1 469 SETUP ZV INSTALLATION settingsgroups.• DATE ENTRY WAS NOT COMPLETE: Since the DATE settings has a special format (MM/DD/YYYY), if ENTER is pressed before the complete value is entered, this messageappears and the new value is not stored. Another attempt will have to be made withthe complete information.• DATE ENTRY WAS OUT OF RANGE: This message appears if and invalid entry is madefor the DATE (e.g. 15 entered for month).• DEFAULT MESSAGE HAS BEEN ADDED: Any time a new default message is added tothe default message list, this message will appear as verification.• DEFAULT MESSAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED: Any time a default message is removedfrom the default message list, this message will appear as verification.• DEFAULT MESSAGE LIST IS FULL: If an attempt is made to add a new default messageto the default message list when 20 messages are already assigned, this message willappear. In order to add a message, one of the existing messages must be removed.• DEFAULT MESSAGES 6 of 20 ARE ASSIGNED: This message appears each time the S1469 SETUP ZV DEFAULT MESSAGES settings group is entered. It notifies the user of thenumber of assigned default messages.• END OF LIST: This message will indicate when the bottom of a subgroup has beenreached.• END OF PAGE: This message will indicate when the bottom of a page has beenreached.• ENTER NEW PASSCODE FOR ACCESS: If the passcode is zero, the passcode securityfeature is disabled. If the Change Passcode settings is entered as yes, this flashmessage will appear prompting the user to enter a non-zero passcode which in turnwill enable the feature.• INPUT FUNCTION IS ALREADY ASSIGNED: The Assignable Digital Input functions mayonly be used once. If an attempt is made to assign the same function to two differentswitches, this message will appear.