5–30 469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUALCHAPTER 5: SETTINGSDigital CounterPATH: SETTINGS ZV S3 DIGITAL INPUTS ZV ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4)These settings apply only if the INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Digital Counter”.Once the Digital Counter function is chosen for one of the assignable digital inputs, thesettings messages shown here will follow the assignment message. Each closure of theswitch will be counted, by either incrementing or decrementing the counter value. Analarm may be configured when a certain count is reached. The counter value may beviewed in the A4 MAINTENANCE ZV GENERAL COUNTERS ZV DIGITAL COUNTER actualvalue.To initialize the counter, program the counter value here and then change the S1 469 SETUPZV CLEAR DATA ZV PRESET DIGITAL COUNTER settings to “Yes”.For example, a capacitive proximity probe may be used to sense non-magnetic units thatare passing by on a conveyor, glass bottles for instance. The probe could be powered fromthe +24 V from the input switch power supply. The NPN transistor output could be taken toone of the assignable digital inputs configured as a counter.TachometerPATH: SETTINGS ZV S3 DIGITAL INPUTS ZV ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4)ASSIGNABLE [INPUT 1 FUNCTION:Digital CounterRange: See aboveMESSAGE COUNTER UNITS:UnitsRange: 6 alphanumeric charactersMESSAGE COUNTER PRESETVALUE: 0Range: 0 to 1000000000 in steps of 1MESSAGE COUNTER TYPE:IncrementRange: Increment, DecrementMESSAGE COUNTERALARM: OffRange: Off, Latched, UnlatchedMESSAGE ASSIGN ALARMRELAYS:Range: Alarm, Alarm & Auxiliary2,Alarm & Aux2 & Aux3, Alarm &Auxiliary3, Auxiliary2, Aux2 &Aux3, Auxiliary3MESSAGE COUNTER ALARMLEVEL: 100Range: 0 to 1000000000 in steps of 1MESSAGE COUNTER ALARMPICKUP: OverRange: Over, UnderMESSAGE COUNTER ALARMEVENTS: OffRange: On, OffASSIGNABLE [INPUT 1 FUNCTION:TachometerRange: See aboveMESSAGE RATED SPEED:3600 RPMRange: 100 to 7200 RPM in steps of 1