CHAPTER 4: INTERFACES469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–7Z To enter a given Settings page, press the MESSAGE X or ENTER key.Z Press the MESSAGE T or MESSAGE S keys to scroll through sub-pageheaders until the required message is reached.The end of a page is indicated by the message END OF PAGE. Thebeginning of a page is indicated by TOP OF PAGE.Each page is broken further into subgroups.Z Press MESSAGE T or MESSAGE S to cycle through subgroups until thedesired subgroup appears on the screen.Z Press the MESSAGE X or ENTER key to enter a subgroup.Each sub-group has one or more associated settings messages.Z Press the MESSAGE T or MESSAGE S keys to scroll through settingsmessages until the desired message appears.The majority of settings are changed by pressing the VALUE keys until the desired valueappears, and then pressing ENTER. Numeric settings may also be entered through thenumeric keys (including decimals). If the entered settings is out of range, the originalsettings value reappears. If the entered settings is out of step, an adjusted value will bestored (e.g. 101 for a settings that steps 95, 100, 105 is stored as 100). If a mistake is madeentering the new value, pressing ESCAPE returns the settings to its original value. Textediting is a special case described in detail in Entering Alphanumeric Text on page 4–5.Each time a new settings is successfully stored, a message will flash on the display statingNEW SETTINGS HAS BEEN STORED.Z Press the 4, 6, 9 keys, then press ENTER. The following flash message isdisplayed:and the display returns to:1. Press ESCAPE or MESSAGE W to exit the subgroup. Pressing ESCAPE orMESSAGE W numerous times will always return the cursor to the top of thepage.4.1.7 Diagnostic MessagesDiagnostic messages are automatically displayed for any active conditions in the relaysuch as trips, alarms, or asserted logic inputs. These messages provide a summary of thepresent state of the relay. The Message LED flashes when there are diagnostic messagesavailable; press the MENU key until the relay displays TARGET MESSAGES, then press thePASSCODE [ENTER PASSCODEFOR ACCESS:NEW SETTINGSHAS BEEN STOREDSETTINGS ACCESS:PERMITTED