CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–27These settings apply only if the INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Remote Trip”.Once the Remote Trip function is chosen for one of the assignable digital inputs, thesettings messages shown here will follow the assignment message. A trip relay may beselected and the name of the trip may be altered. A contact closure on the digital inputassigned as Remote Trip will cause a trip within 100 ms with the name that has beenchosen. Multiple sources may be used to trigger a remote trip by paralleling inputs.FIGURE 5–4: Remote Alarm/Trip from Multiple SourcesSpeed Switch TripPATH: SETTINGS ZV S3 DIGITAL INPUTS ZV ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4)These settings apply only if the INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Speed Switch Trip”.When this function is assigned to a digital input, the following will occur. When a transitionfrom stopped to start is detected a timer will be loaded with the delay programmed. If thatdelay expires before a contact closure is detected, a trip will occur. Once the motor isstopped, the scheme is reset.Load Shed TripPATH: SETTINGS ZV S3 DIGITAL INPUTS ZV ASSIGNABLE INPUT 1(4)These settings apply only if the INPUT 1(4) FUNCTION is “Load Shed Trip”.Once the load shed trip function is chosen for one of the assignable digital inputs, thesettings messages shown here will follow the assignment message. A trip relay may beselected. A contact closure on the switch input assigned as load shed trip will cause a tripwithin 100 ms.808716A1.CDRREMOTEPUSH-BUTTON469 Digital Input Dry contact from other deviceASSIGNABLE [INPUT 1 FUNCTION:Speed Switch TripRange: See above.MESSAGE ASSIGN TRIPRELAYS:Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip &Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3MESSAGE SPEED SWITCH TRIPTIME DELAY: 5.0 sRange: 1.0 to 250.0 s in steps of 0.1ASSIGNABLE [INPUT 1 FUNCTION:Load Shed TripRange: See aboveMESSAGE ASSIGN TRIPRELAYS:Range: Trip, Trip & Auxiliary2, Trip &Aux2 & Aux3, Trip & Auxiliary3