CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–89period. The average value of the buffer is calculated and stored as the new demand valueevery minute. Demand for real and reactive power is only positive quantities (+kW and+kvar).(EQ 5.12)where: N = programmed demand period in minutesn = time in minutes.FIGURE 5–19: Rolling Demand (15 Minute Window)5.12.4 Pulse OutputPATH: SETTINGS ZV S11 MONITORING ZV PULSE OUTPUTDemand 1N--- AverageNn 1=N∑=808717A1.CDRTIME020406080100120140160t=0 t+10 t+20 t+30 t+40 t+50 t+60 t+70 t+80 t+90 t+100MAGNITUDEPULSE [POS kWh PULSEOUTPUTRange: Off, Alarm, Auxiliary2,Auxiliary3MESSAGE POS kWh PULSEOUTPUTRange: 1 to 50000 kWh in steps of 1MESSAGE POS kvarh PULSEOUTRange: Off, Alarm, Auxiliary2,Auxiliary3MESSAGE POS kvarh PULSEOUTRange: 1 to 50000 kvarh in steps of 1MESSAGE NEG kvarh PULSEOUTRange: Off, Alarm, Auxiliary2,Auxiliary3MESSAGE NEG kvarh PULSEOUTRange: 1 to 50000 kvarh in steps of 1MESSAGE RUNNING TIMEPULSERange: Off, Alarm, Auxiliary2,Auxiliary3MESSAGE RUNNING TIMEPULSERange: 1 to 50000 s in steps of 1