CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–67phase current rises from 0 to greater than overload pickup and then, after acceleration,falls below the overload curve pickup level. If the Start Inhibit feature is enabled, theamount of thermal capacity available (100% – THERMAL CAPACITY USED) is compared tothe LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY each time the motor is stopped. If the thermal capacityavailable does not exceed the LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY, or is not equal to 100%, theStart Inhibit Block is activated until there is sufficient thermal capacity. When a blockoccurs, the lockout time will be equal to the time required for the motor to cool to anacceptable start temperature. This time is a function of the S5 THERMAL MODEL ÖTHERMAL MODEL ÖØ COOL TIME CONSTANT STOPPED settings.If this feature is turned “Off”, the THERMAL CAPACITY USED must reduce to 15% before anoverload lockout resets. This feature should be turned off if the load varies for differentstarts.For example, if the THERMAL CAPACITY USED for the last 5 starts is 24, 23, 27, 25, and 21%respectively, the LEARNED STARTING CAPACITY is 27% × 1.25 = 33.75% used. If the motorstops with 90% thermal capacity used, a start block will be issued. When the motor hascooled and the level of thermal capacity used has fallen to 66%, a start will be permitted. Ifthe COOL TIME CONSTANT STOPPED settings is programmed for 30 minutes, the lockouttime will be equal to:(EQ 5.11)5.8.3 Jogging BlockPATH: SETTINGS ZV S7 MOTOR STARTING ZV JOGGING BLOCKThe Jogging Block feature may be used to prevent operators from jogging the motor(multiple starts and stops performed in rapid succession). It consists of two distinctelements: Starts/Hour and Time Between Starts.The Starts/Hour feature does not guarantee that a certain number of starts or startattempts will be allowed within an hour; rather, it ensures that a certain number of startattempts will not be exceeded within an hour. Similarly, the Time Between Starts featuredoes not guarantee another start will be permitted if the TIME BETWEEN STARTSPERMISSIBLE elapses after the most recent start. Rather, it ensures a minimum timebetween starts. If however, the first start attempt from cold is unsuccessful due to a jam orit takes long because the process is overloaded, the Thermal Model might reduce thenumber of starts that can be attempted within an hour. It may also cause a lockout timethat exceeds a Time Between Starts lockout that may have been active. Such a thermallockout will remain until the motor has cooled to an acceptable temperature for a start.TC used TC used_start e t– τ⁄×= 66% 90% e t– 30⁄×=⇒t 6690------ln 30–×=⇒ 9.3 minutes=JOGGING [JOGGING BLOCK:OffRange: On, OffMESSAGE MAX. STARTS/HOURPERMISSIBLE: 3Range: 1 to 5 in steps of 1MESSAGE TIME BETWEENSTARTSRange: 0 to 500 min. in steps of 1