x-14 cm6520Printing a mirror imageAn original can be copied in its mirror image.For details, refer to "Copying in a mirror image ("Mirror Image" function)" on page 7-42.Copying with a background colorAn original can be copied using one of the 18 colors available as the color of the background (blank areas).For details, refer to "Adding a background color to copies ("Background Color" function)" on page 7-45.Improving the copy color qualityYou can adjust color copies to the quality for the desired image.For details, refer to "Adjusting the copy color quality (Color Adjust parameters)" on page 7-47.Separately copying a page spreadA page spread, such as in an open book or catalog, can be copied onto separate pages.For details, refer to "Producing separate copies of each page in a page spread ("Book Copy" function)" onpage 7-51.Repeating copy imagesAn original image can be repeatedly printed on a single sheet of paper.For details, refer to "Tiling copy images ("Image Repeat" function)" on page 7-55.Printing the enlarged image on multiple pagesA single original page can be automatically split into parts with each part printed enlarged.For details, refer to "Copying an enlarged image on multiple pages ("Poster Mode" function)" on page 7-59.ABC DEFA