11 Utility mode11-22 cm6520Expert AdjustmentParameter Description Default SettingAE Level Adjustment Specify the initial value for auto exposure (AE) be-tween 0 and 4. The higher the setting, the morethat the document background is emphasized.Standard (2)Printer Ad-justmentLeading EdgeAdjustmentAdjust the starting print position between -3.0 and3.0 mm at the leading edge of the paper (with re-spect to the paper feed direction). Adjustmentscan be specified for each paper type.0.0 mmCentering Adjust the starting print position between -3.0 and3.0 mm at the left edge of the paper (with respectto the paper feed direction). Adjustments can bespecified for each paper tray.0.0 mmLeading Edge Ad-justment (DuplexSide 2)Adjust the starting print position between -3.0 and3.0 mm at the leading edge of the paper for thesecond side during automatic double-sided copy-ing. Adjustments can be specified for each papertray.0.0 mmCentering (Duplex2nd Side)Adjust the starting print position between -3.0 and3.0 mm at the left edge of the paper for the secondside during automatic double-sided copying. Ad-justments can be specified for each paper tray.0.0 mmFinisher Ad-justment2-Position StaplePitch Adjustment * Adjust the distance (between 128 mm and 160mm) between staples when printing with the "2Position" Staple setting ("Staple" and "CenterStaple & Fold").128 mmCenter Staple Po-sition* Adjust the stapling position (between -12, 8 and12, 7 mm) when printing with the "Center Staple &Fold" setting.0.0 mmHalf-Fold Position* Adjust the folding position (between -12, 8 and 12,7 mm) when printing with the "Center Staple &Fold" setting.0.0 mmTri-Fold PositionAdjustment * Adjust the folding positions (between -12.8 mmand 12.7 mm) when printing with the "Tri-Fold"setting.0.0 mmPunch Vertical Po-sition AdjustmentAdjust the vertical position of the punched holesbetween -5.0 mm and 5.0 mm.0.0 mmPunch HorizontalPosition Adjust-mentAdjust the horizontal position of the punchedholes between -5.0 mm and 5.0 mm.0.0 mmPunch Regist LoopSize AdjustmentAdjust the hole-punching shift for double-sidedprinting and outputting cover pages between-16.0 mm and 16.0 mm.0.0 mmPunch Edge Sen-sor AdjustmentAdjust the sensors for detecting the paper edgeswhen printing with a Punch setting.-CoverSheetFeederSizeAdjustmentAdjust the sensor for detecting the size of paperloaded in the paper trays of the post inserter.Upper tray, A4 wDensity Ad-justmentThick 1/1+–Yellow Adjust the image density for printing on thick pa-per or OHP transparencies. The density can beadjusted separately for each color (yellow, ma-genta, cyan and black for a color image and theblack image density). The higher the setting, thedarker the density.Adjust the setting for yellow, magenta, cyan andblack between -5 and +5.Adjust the setting for "Black Image Density" be-tween -2 and +2.0Thick 2/3/4–Yellow 0Thick 1/1+–Ma-genta0Thick 2/3/4–Ma-genta0Thick 1/1+–Cyan 0Thick 2/3/4–Cyan 0Thick 1/1+–Black 0Thick 2/3/4–Black 0Black Image Den-sity0