EYFR03 User Manual 102 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 10: PROFINET 20 January 2020Data FormatThe below tables show the data available for the input and output slots. The offsets are relativeto the start address for each slot’s address space.Tool IO Module InputOffset Size Name Type Description0 1 Job Number USINT Job number. (0 means job not running)1 1 ParameterNumberUSINT Parameter number. (0 means parameter not running.)2 1 Tool Number USINT Active tool number. (0 means no tool active)3 1 Status USINT Status of parameter0 – None1 – Cycle2 – Batch3 – Reject4 – Batch NOK (batch complete with a counted reject)4 1 Count USINT Number of tightenings performed in the current batch for theparameter.5 1 Batch USINT Number of tightenings required for a batch in the parameter.6 2 Timestamp Date DATE Date portion of timestamp of the last tightening8 4 Timestamp Time TOD Time portion of timestamp of the last tightening12 2 Last ParameterWrite DateDATE Date portion of the last time the parameter of the lasttightening was written14 4 Last ParameterWrite TimeTOD Time portion of the last time the parameter of the lasttightening was written18 4 Tightening ID UDINT ID number of the last tightening22 1 Result Status USINT 0 – OK; 1 – NOK23 14 Tool SerialNumberCHAR[14] Serial number of the tool that performed the last tightening37 25 VIN CHAR[25] VIN of the last tightening.Tool IO Module OutputOffset Size Name Type Description0 1 Job Number USINT Job number to run.1 1 ParameterNumberUSINT Parameter number to run. Ignored if Job Number is not 0.255 means temporary parameter with information below.2 1 Batch USINT Sets the batch size for the selected parameter. Ignored if JobNumber is not 0. If this value is 0, the parameter size storedin the EYFR03 will be used.3.0 bit Suspend BOOL When set, suspends on the interface without stopping arunning parameter or job.3.1 bit Batch Reset BOOL When this value changes from false to true, the batch count ofthe currently running parameter on the interface is reset.3.2 bit Job StepIncrementBOOL When this value changes from false to true, the EYFR03 willmove to the next step in the active job.Ignored if Job Number is 0.3.3 bit Job StepDecrementBOOL When this value changes from false to true, the EYFR03 willmove to the previous step in the active job.Ignored if Job Number is 0 or if already on the first step in thejob.3.4 bit Batch Increment BOOL When this value changes from false to true, the EYFR03 willincrement the count as if a valid tightening was performed.