EYFR03 User Manual 49 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 4: 20 January 20203. Qualifier NameThis command sets the Qualifier Name of the unit.Data: up to 25 charactersExample:*%03%air - bag%*This bar code would set the Qualifier Name of the unit to “air - bag”.4. VINThis command sets the VIN or Identifier part 1 (VIN characters 1-25) reported by the unit intightening result messages, the ACOP MID 0052 Vehicle ID Number, and the ACOP MID 0152Multiple identifier and result parts notifications.Data: up to 25 charactersExample:*%04%VIN1234567%*As mentioned above, a bar code is assumed to be a VIN number if the data is not in thecommand format. As such, the same VIN could be provided as:*VIN1234567*5. Start JobThis command instructs the unit to select a job. Any other running parameter, group, or job willbe stopped before starting the new job.Data: number of up to 3 digits specifying the job number to run (1-100)Example:*%05%32%*This bar code would instruct the unit to start job number 32.6. Identifier part 2This command sets the Identifier part 2 (VIN characters 26-50) reported by the unit in tighteningresult messages and the ACOP MID 0152 Multiple identifier and result parts notifications.Data: up to 25 charactersExample:*%06%B23FJ9S3%*7. Identifier part 3This command sets the Identifier part 3 (VIN characters 51-75) reported by the unit in tighteningresult messages and the ACOP MID 0152 Multiple identifier and result parts notifications.Data: up to 25 characters