EYFR03 User Manual 6 of 110 v1.6.0Quick Start 20 January 2020If the tool you are going to learn to the qualifier haspreviously been used with another unit, make sure thatunit is off before continuing. Press the button beneathLearn to begin the learn process.Follow the directions on screen to learn the tool.If you get a message “Cannot replace with a tool withdifferent type”, it means you are learning a 1-way toolover top of a learned 2-way tool or vice-versa.Once the tool is learned’ the slot turns green to confirmsuccessful, then it will turn blue.The unit will return to the Tools screen with the justlearned tool now with a tool name of “Tool 1” instead of“No Tool”.Return to the menu by pressing ESC or the button belowExit. Then press ENT to go to the Parameters screen.To run a tool, you must activate a parameter that uses the tool. When learned, a tool isautomatically associated with the parameter of the same number. If you are following this guidewith a new unit, you should have just learned Tool 1, which can be run by Parameter 1.Press the button below Select to select Parameter 1.