EYFR03 User Manual 16 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 1: Overview 20 January 202010-16 Active Parameters1. Count – The number of tightenings completed in the current batch of the parameter.Repeated for each active parameter.2. Batch – The number of tightenings required for the current batch of the parameter. Repeatedfor each active parameter.3. Group Name – Name of the currently running group.4. Tool Name – Name of the tool for the parameter. Repeated for each active parameter5. Unit lock – Indicates if the unit is locked and requires a password to access menu functions6. Unit Radio Status – Shows the status of the unit radio7. Network Status – Shows the status of the Ethernet and current number of connections.8. Soft Key 1 Function – Shows the current function of soft key 1.9. Soft Key 2 Function – Shows the current function of soft key 2.10. Soft Key 3 Function – Shows the current function of soft key 3.11. Soft Key 4 Function – Shows the current function of soft key 4.In 10-16 Active Parameter mode, the Run screen does not show parameter names or tool statusindicators.