EYFR03 User Manual 81 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 7: EtherNet/IPTM 20 January 2020VIN ObjectClass Code: 69 HexThe VIN Object manages the current VIN and VIN-related settings.Class AttributesID Access Name Data Type Description of Attribute Semantics of Value1 Get Revision UINT Revision of this object 1Instance AttributesID Access Name Data Type Description of Attribute Semantics of Value1 Set Require to start BOOL Indicates if a VIN isrequired to run an operation.2 Set Clear oncompleteBOOL Indicates if the VIN isautomatically cleared whenan operation completes.3 Set VIN SHORT_STRING Max Length: 100ServicesServiceCodeAvailable in Service Name Description of ServiceClass Instance0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_Single Returns the contents of the specified attribute0x10 No Yes Set_Attribute_Single Modifies a single attribute