EYFR03 User Manual 84 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 7: EtherNet/IPTM 20 January 2020172 Name Data Type DescriptionItem Number UINT Instance number of items to run. Deactivate any running parameter,job, or group if 0.Item Type USINT Type of item to run:0 - Parameter1 – Group2 – JobIgnored if Item Number is 0.Batch Reset USINT When this value changes, the batch counts of the currently runningparameter or group is reset.Suspend BOOL When set, suspends the unit without stopping a running parameter,group, or job.Batch USINT Sets the batch size for the selected parameter. If Item Type is not 0(Parameter), this value is ignored. If this value is 0, the parameter sizestored in the EYFR03 will be used.VIN USINT[100]Total size: 106 bytes181 Name Data Type DescriptionItem Number UINT Instance number of items to run. Deactivate any running parameter,job, or group if 0.Item Type USINT Type of item to run:0 - Parameter1 – Group2 – JobIgnored if Item Number is 0.Batch Sizes USINT[16] A temporary batch size to use for each tool or 0 to make nomodification.Batch Reset WORD 16-bit word with each bit used to reset the batch of a tool when set (bit0 resets tool 1, bit 1 resets tool 2, etc.)Tool Suspend WORD 16-bit word with each bit used to suspend a tool (bit 0 set suspends tool1, bit 1 set suspends tool 2, etc.)Qualifier Suspend BOOL When set, suspends the unit without stopping a running parameter,group, or job.Total size: 24 bytesNote that the values in this point refer to tools, but the EYFR03 runs parameters. This meansthat you must select a parameter, group, or job using the tools you want to control with thisconnection point. If a tool is not active in the selected parameter, group, or job, attempts tocontrol them will be ignored.Input (T->O) Connection PointsThis section defines the connection points are used by EYFR03 to send output data to thenetwork. The connection points are in the range 100-129 and are grouped by their content.• 10x: Connection points provided for backwards compatibility with the EYFR01. (Detailed inthe Input Connection Points for Backwards Compatibility section later in this chapter)• 11x: Last tightening data• 12x: Current qualifier status