EYFR03 User Manual 87 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 7: EtherNet/IPTM 20 January 20202 – JobIgnored if Multi-Number is 0.Suspend BOOLTotal size: 68 bytes121 Name Data Type DescriptionTool Parameters ARRAY ofSTRUCTof:Status of up to 16 parameters currently running.- ParameterNumberUINT Parameter number currently using the tool. (0 means no parameter using thetool is running.)- Count USINT Number of results performed in the current batch for the tool.- Batch USINT Number of results required for a batch in the tool.- Status USINT Status of tool0 – None1 – Cycle2 – Batch3 – Reject4 – Batch NOK (batch complete with a counted reject)Multi Number UINT Number of multi-parameter operation (job or group) currently running.Ignored if 0.Multi Type USINT Type of multi-parameter operation currently running:1 – Group2 – JobIgnored if Multi-Number is 0.Suspend BOOL Indicates if the qualifier is suspended.Operation Status USINT 0 – None/In Progress1 – CompleteWhen running an individual Parameter (Multi Number = 0), Complete willcorrespond to a batch completion.When running a Group (Multi Number non-zero, Multi Type = 1),Complete will happen when the last parameter in the group to completes itsbatch.When running a Job (Multi Number non-zero, Multi Type = 2), Completewill happen when the last step (parameter or group) in the job is completed.Reserved Padding byte for devices requiring even connection point sizes.Total size: 85-86 bytesInput Connection Points for Last Tightening Data (fixed length)The connection points in this group will contain data about the last tightening. As such, they arenot updated after a parameter, group, or job selection until a tightening occurs. These points aresimilar to the points in the 11x range, except that the SHORT_STRING fields are now fixed-length character arrays. Strings shorter than the field length are left-aligned in the field and null-padded.130 Name Data Type DescriptionTightening ID UDINT ID number of the last tighteningTime DT Timestamp of the last tighteningMulti SequenceNumberUINT Sequence number of the running multi-parameter operation.