EYFR03 User Manual 97 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 9: PFCS Network Protocol 20 January 2020Figure 60: Main menu - Network Setup Figure 61: Network Setup Menu - PFCSFigure 62: PFCS Settings Figure 63: PFCS Machine NamesProtocol SettingsEnable Solicited?Default: noThis setting determines if the qualifier will attempt to establish a solicited PFCS connection.This setting is disabled by default because the qualifier will repeatedly make network requests toattempt to establish a network connection to the PFCS server when enabled.Enable Unsolicited?Default: noThis setting determines if the qualifier will attempt to establish an unsolicited PFCS connection.This setting is disabled by default because the qualifier will repeatedly make network requests toattempt to establish a network connection to the PFCS server when enabled.Single Solicited Name?Default: yesThis setting determines if the qualifier will use a single machine id on the solicited connection orif it will use a separate machine id per parameter. When this setting is set to No, the machine idsfor each parameter can be set from the IDs page.