EYFR03 User Manual 79 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 7: EtherNet/IPTM 20 January 2020Job ObjectClass Code: 67 HexThe Job Object represents a set of one or more parameter sets that must be performed as a group.Depending on the device configuration, the parameter sets may or may not be required to run insequence.Class AttributesID Access Name Data Type Description of Attribute Semantics of Value1 Get Revision UINT Revision of this object 12 Get Max Instance UINT Maximum instance numberof a job object in the device.The maximum number ofjobs as specified for theproduct.Instance AttributesID Access Name Data Type Description of Attribute Semantics of Value1 Set Name SHORT_STRING Name of the tool displayedon screenMaximum length is 25characters2 Get Last Modified DT Last time the job attributeswere modified3 Get Number of Steps USINT Number of parameters inParameters array4 Set Steps ARRAY ofSTRUCT of:Structure list containing theparameters to run for the jobMaximum length is 30.Item number UINT Instance number of the itemin the stepParameter or groupnumber.Item type USINT Item type 0 – Parameter1 – GroupBatch USINT Batch size Temporarily overrides,but does not modify,batch size in parameter.Ignored for Group steps.ServicesServiceCodeAvailable in Service Name Description of ServiceClass Instance0x05 No Yes Reset Resets the job to factory defaults.0x0E Yes Yes Get_Attribute_Single Returns the contents of the specified attribute0x10 No Yes Set_Attribute_Single Modifies a single attribute