EYFR03 User Manual 86 of 110 v1.6.0Chapter 7: EtherNet/IPTM 20 January 2020Batch USINT Number of results required for a batch in the parameter.Torque Unit ENGUNIT Unit used for torque fieldsTorque REAL Torque of the tightening just performed.Angle UDINT Angle of the tightening just performed.VIN SHORT_STRING Max length 100Reserved USINT Padding byte for devices requiring even connection point sizes and maxVIN length.Total size: 31-132 bytes112 Name Data Type DescriptionTightening ID UDINT ID number of the last tighteningTime DT Timestamp of the last tighteningMulti SequenceNumberUINT Sequence number of the running multi-parameter operation.Multi Number UINT Instance number of multi-parameter operation (job or group) currentlyrunning. Ignored if 0.Multi Type USINT Type of multi-parameter operation currently running:1 – Group2 – JobIgnored if Multi-Number is 0.Parameter UINT Number of the parameter that produced the tighteningTightening Status BOOL Indicates if the last tightening was accepted as valid.Count USINT Number of results performed in the current batch for the parameter.Batch USINT Number of results required for a batch in the parameter.Total size: 20 bytes113 Name Data Type DescriptionTightening ID UDINT ID number of the last tighteningTime DT Timestamp of the last tighteningTightening Status BOOL Indicates if the last tightening was accepted as valid.Reserved USINT Padding byte for devices requiring even connection point sizes.Total size: 11-12 bytesInput Connection Points for Current Qualifier StatusThe connection points in this group provide a view of the current qualifier status and do notprovide any information about tightenings.120 Name Data Type DescriptionParameters ARRAY ofSTRUCTof:Status of up to 16 parameters currently running.UINT Parameter number (0 means parameter not running.)USINT Number of results performed in the current batch for the parameter.USINT Number of results required for a batch in the parameter.Multi Number UINT Number of multi-parameter operation (job or group) currently running.Ignored if 0.Multi Type USINT Type of multi-parameter operation currently running:1 – Group