FEATURES1-3EAS4C81010FI SYSTEMThe fuel pump delivers fuel to the fuel injector via the fuel filter. The pressure regulator maintains thefuel pressure that is applied to the fuel injector at only 324 kPa (3.24 kg/cm2, 46.1 psi). Accordingly,when the energizing signal from the ECU energizes the fuel injector, the fuel passage opens, caus-ing the fuel to be injected into the intake manifold only during the time the passage remain open.Therefore, the longer the length of time the fuel injector is energized (injection duration), the greaterthe volume of fuel that is supplied. Conversely, the shorter the length of time the fuel injector is ener-gized (injection duration), the lesser the volume of fuel that is supplied.The injection duration and the injection timing are controlled by the ECU. Signals that are input fromthe throttle position sensor (for throttle valves), throttle position sensor (for throttle cable pulley),crankshaft position sensor, intake air pressure sensor, intake air temperature sensor, coolant temper-ature sensor, atmospheric pressure sensor, cylinder identification sensor, lean angle sensor, speedsensor and O2 sensor enable the ECU to determine the injection duration. The injection timing isdetermined through the signals from the crankshaft position sensor. As a result, the volume of fuelthat is required by the engine can be supplied at all times in accordance with the driving conditions.1. Fuel pump2. Injector3. Cylinder identification sensor4. ECU (engine control unit)5. Throttle position sensor (for throttle valves)6. Throttle position sensor (for throttle cablepulley)7. Speed sensor8. Intake air temperature sensor9. Lean angle sensor10.O2 sensor11.Catalytic converter12.Coolant temperature sensor13.Crankshaft position sensor14.Intake air pressure sensor15.Throttle servo motor16.Throttle body17.Atmospheric pressure sensor18.Air filter case19.Intake funnel servo motorA. Fuel systemB. Air systemC. Control systemManuals by Motomatrix / www.motomatrix.co.uk / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: info@motomatrix.co.uk