HANDLEBARS4-47EAS22870REMOVING THE HANDLEBAR1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface.WARNINGEWA13120Securely support the vehicle so that thereis no danger of it falling over.2. Remove:• Handlebar grip “1”NOTE:Blow compressed air between the handlebarand the handlebar grip, and gradually push thegrip off the handlebar.3. Remove:• Throttle cable housing “1”• Throttle grip “2”NOTE:While removing the throttle cable housing, pullback the rubber cover “3”.EAS22890CHECKING THE HANDLEBARS1. Check:• Left handlebar “1”• Right handlebar “2”Bends/cracks/damage → Replace.WARNINGEWA13690Do not attempt to straighten a bent handle-bar as this may dangerously weaken it.EAS22900INSTALLING THE HANDLEBARS1. Stand the vehicle on a level surface.WARNINGEWA13120Securely support the vehicle so that thereis no danger of it falling over.2. Install:• Right handlebar switch “1”NOTE:Align the projection “a” on the right handlebarswitch with the hole “b” on the right handlebar.3. Install:• Brake master cylinder holder “1”CAUTION:ECA14260• Install the brake master cylinder holderwith the “UP” mark facing up.• First, tighten the upper bolt, and then thelower bolt.NOTE:• Align the mating surfaces of the brake mastercylinder holder with the punch mark “a” onthe right handlebar.• There should be 2–2.5 mm (0.08–0.10 in) ofclearance between the right handlebarswitch and the brake master cylinder holder.Front brake master cylinderholder bolt13 Nm (1.3 m·kg, 9.4 ft·lb)Manuals by Motomatrix / www.motomatrix.co.uk / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: info@motomatrix.co.uk