FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM8-3920When the main switch isturned to “ON”, the atmo-spheric pressure sensorvoltage and intake air pres-sure sensor voltage differgreatly.• Atmospheric pressure sensor hose isclogged.• Intake air pressure sensor hose is clogged,kinked, or pinched.• Malfunction of the atmospheric pressuresensor in the intermediate electrical poten-tial.• Malfunction of the intake air pressure sen-sor in the intermediate electrical potential.• Malfunction in ECU.030221Coolant temperature sen-sor: open or short circuitdetected.• Open or short circuit in wire harness.• Defective coolant temperature sensor.• Malfunction in ECU.• Improperly installed coolant temperaturesensor.0622Air temperature sensor:open or short circuitdetected.• Open or short circuit in wire harness.• Defective air temperature sensor.• Malfunction in ECU.• Improperly installed air temperature sensor.0523Atmospheric pressure sen-sor: open or short circuitdetected.• Open or short circuit in wire harness.• Defective atmospheric pressure sensor.• Improperly installed atmospheric pressuresensor.• Malfunction in ECU.0224No normal signal isreceived from the O2 sen-sor.• Open or short circuit in wire harness.• Defective O 2 sensor.• Malfunction in ECU.• Improperly installed O 2 sensor.—30Latch up detected.No normal signal isreceived from the leanangle sensor.• The vehicle has overturned.• Defective lean angle sensor.• Malfunction in ECU.• Improperly installed lean angle sensor.0833Open circuit detected in theprimary lead of the cylinder-#1 ignition coil.• Open circuit in wire harness.• Malfunction in ignition coil.• Malfunction in ECU.3034Open circuit detected in theprimary lead of the cylinder-#2 ignition coil.• Open circuit in wire harness.• Malfunction in ignition coil.• Malfunction in ECU.3135Open circuit detected in theprimary lead of the cylinder-#3 ignition coil.• Open circuit in wire harness.• Malfunction in ignition coil.• Malfunction in ECU.3236Open circuit detected in theprimary lead of the cylinder-#4 ignition coil.• Open circuit in wire harness.• Malfunction in ignition coil.• Malfunction in ECU.3339 Open circuit detected in ainjector.• Open or short circuit in wire harness.• Defective primary injector.• Malfunction in ECU.• Improperly installed primary injector.36373839FaultcodeNo.Symptom Probable cause of malfunction Diagnosticcode No.Manuals by Motomatrix / www.motomatrix.co.uk / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: info@motomatrix.co.uk