ELECTRIC STARTER5-41EAS24790CHECKING THE STARTER MOTOR1. Check:• CommutatorDirt → Clean with 1000 grit sandpaper.2. Measure:• Commutator diameter “a”Out of specification → Replace the startermotor.3. Measure:• Mica undercut “a”Out of specification → Scrape the mica tothe proper measurement with a hacksawblade that has been grounded to fit thecommutator.NOTE:The mica of the commutator must be undercutto ensure proper operation of the commutator.4. Measure:• Armature assembly resistances (commuta-tor and insulation)Out of specification → Replace the startermotor.▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼a. Measure the armature assembly resis-tances with the pocket tester.b. If any resistance is out of specification,replace the starter motor.▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲5. Measure:• Brush length “a”Out of specification → Replace the brushesas a set.6. Measure:• Brush spring forceOut of specification → Replace the brushsprings as a set.Limit23.5 mm (0.93 in)Mica undercut (depth)1.50 mm (0.06 in)Pocket tester90890-03112Analog pocket testerYU-03112-CArmature coilCommutator resistance “1”0.009–0.011 Ω at 20°C (68°F)Insulation resistance “2”Above 1 MΩ at 20°C (68°F)Limit7.19 mm (0.28 in)Brush spring force5.28–7.92 N (19.01–28.51 oz)(538–808 gf)Manuals by Motomatrix / www.motomatrix.co.uk / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: info@motomatrix.co.uk