GENERAL CHASSIS4-5EAS4C81025CHECKING THE INTAKE FUNNEL1. Check:• Intake funnelCracks/damage → Replace.• Intake funnel seal rubber “1”Cracks/damage → Replace.• Intake funnel rodsDamage/scratches → Replace.EAS4C81026ASSEMBLING THE INTAKE FUNNEL1. Install:• Intake funnel rod• Intake funnelNOTE:• To install the intake funnel, do not mistakethe front and rear directions.• For Bushing 2 “a”, point the direction of notchhole as shown in the illustration.CAUTION:ECA4C81020• After assembly, make sure that the intakefunnel smoothly moves to the contactingsurface between upper stopper and lowerseating position when it is moved byhand.• Make sure that the intake funnel smoothlystrokes from the upper position to theseating position by its own weight.• Air filter case• Intake funnel joint bolt “1”CAUTION:ECA4C81022Do not remove the bolts from the intakefunnel joint.• Intake funnel joint bolt “2”• Intake funnel servo motor rod assemblyEAS4C81027CHECKING THE INTAKE FUNNEL OPERA-TION1. Check:• Intake funnel operationA. UpperB. LowerIntake funnel joint bolt6 Nm (0.6 m·kg, 4.3 ft·lb)Intake funnel joint bolt3 Nm (0.3 m·kg, 2.2 ft·lb)Manuals by Motomatrix / / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: