CABLE ROUTING2-421. Right handlebar switch lead2. Clutch cable3. Main switch lead4. Left handlebar switch lead5. Horn lead6. Horn7. Throttle cables8. Brake hose9. Throttle cable (return side)10.Throttle cable (pull side)A. Route the clutch cable so as to get alongthe front side of the main switch after pass-ing it through the guide.B. Pass the main switch lead through theguide wire.C. Pass the left handlebar switch lead throughthe guide wire.D. Pass the clutch switch lead through outsideof the left handlebar switch lead.E. Point the tip of the band (excessive part) tothe left side of the vehicle and cut the sur-plus section.F. Clamp the section between 0 and 20 mm(0 and 0.79 in) from the split of the underbracket.G. Clamp the leads inside the front fork of thevehicle. Point the exit of the horn lead tothe left front fork side.H. Fit in the clamp from the inner side to theouter side of the vehicle so that the returnside is positioned upper and the pull side islower at the upper side of the vehicle abovethe brake hose.I. 0 to 30 mm (0 to 1.18 in)J. Route two throttle cables behind the brakehose, pass between the inside of the underbracket’s upper side front fork.K. 20 to 40 mm (0.8 to 1.6 in)L. Point the tip of the band (excessive part) tothe right side of the vehicle and cut the sur-plus section.M. Pass the left handlebar switch lead throughupper side of the steering damper bracket.N. Cut the clamp tip leaving 2 to 4 mm (0.08to 0.16 in).O. Outside of the vehicle.P. Inside of the vehicle.Manuals by Motomatrix / / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: