CHASSIS3-35WARNINGEWA14090After extensive tests, the tires listed belowhave been approved by Yamaha Motor Co.,Ltd. for this model. The front and rear tiresshould always be by the same manufac-turer and of the same design. No guaranteeconcerning handling characteristics can begiven if a tire combination other than oneapproved by Yamaha is used on this vehi-cle.WARNINGEWA13210New tires have a relatively low grip on theroad surface until they have been slightlyworn. Therefore, approximately 100 kmshould be traveled at normal speed beforeany high-speed riding is done.NOTE:For tires with a direction of rotation mark “1”:• Install the tire with the mark pointing in thedirection of wheel rotation.• Align the mark “2” with the valve installationpoint.EAS21670CHECKING THE WHEELSThe following procedure applies to both of thewheels.1. Check:• WheelDamage/out-of-round → Replace.WARNINGEWA13260Never attempt to make any repairs to thewheel.NOTE:After a tire or wheel has been changed orreplaced, always balance the wheel.EAS21690CHECKING AND LUBRICATING THECABLESThe following procedure applies to all of theinner and outer cables.WARNINGEWA13270Damaged outer cable may cause the cableto corrode and interfere with its movement.Replace damaged outer cable and innercables as soon as possible.1. Check:• Outer cableDamage → Replace.2. Check:• Cable operationRough movement → Lubricate.NOTE:Hold the cable end upright and pour a fewdrops of lubricant into the cable sheath or usea suitable lubricating device.EAS21700LUBRICATING THE LEVERSLubricate the pivoting point and metal-to-metalmoving parts of the levers.Front tireSize120/70 ZR17M/C (58W)Manufacturer/modelMICHELIN/Pilot POWER PManufacturer/modelPIRELLI/DIABLO CORSA ERear tireSize190/50 ZR17M/C (73W)Manufacturer/modelMICHELIN/ Pilot POWERManufacturer/modelPIRELLI/DIABLO CORSA LRecommended lubricantEngine oil or a suitable cablelubricantRecommended lubricantLithium-soap-based greaseManuals by Motomatrix / / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: