CAMSHAFTS5-13▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲5. Measure:• Camshaft journal diameter “a”Out of specification → Replace the cam-shaft.Within specification → Replace the cylinderhead and the camshaft caps as a set.EAS23870CHECKING THE TIMING CHAIN AND CAM-SHAFT SPROCKET1. Check:• Timing chain “1”Damage/stiffness → Replace the timingchain and camshaft and camshaft sprocketas a set.2. Check:• Camshaft sprocketMore than 1/4 tooth wear “a” → Replacethe camshaft sprocket and the timing chainas a set.EAS23950CHECKING THE TIMING CHAIN GUIDESThe following procedure applies to all of thecamshaft sprockets and timing chain guides.1. Check:• Timing chain guide (exhaust side) “1”• Timing chain guide (intake side) “2”• Timing chain guide (top side) “3”Damage/wear → Replace the defectivepart(s).EAS23960CHECKING THE TIMING CHAIN TEN-SIONER1. Remove:• Timing chain tensioner housing “1”• Timing chain tensioner rod “2”• Timing chain tensioner spring “3”Camshaft journal diameter24.459–24.472 mm (0.9630–0.9635 in)a. 1/4 toothb. Correct1. Timing chain roller2. Camshaft sprocketManuals by Motomatrix / / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: