All IEC and ANSI time delayed characteristics are available.The directional function is voltage polarized, current polarized or dual polarized.EF4PTOC can be set directional or non-directional independently for each of thesteps.A second harmonic blocking can be set individually for each step.7.2.3 Function blockEF4PTOCI3P*U3P*I3PPOL*BLOCKBLKST1BLKST2BLKST3BLKST4TRIPTRIN1TRIN2TRIN3TRIN4STARTSTIN1STIN2STIN3STIN4STFWSTRV2NDHARMDIEC08000004 V1 ENFigure 82: EF4PTOC function block7.2.4 SignalsTable 63:EF4PTOC Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionI3P GROUPSIGNAL- Three phase group signal for current inputsU3P GROUPSIGNAL- Three phase group signal for polarizing voltageinputsI3PPOL GROUPSIGNAL- Three phase group signal for polarizing currentinputsBLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of functionBLKST1 BOOLEAN 0 Block of step 1 (start and trip)BLKST2 BOOLEAN 0 Block of step 2 (start and trip)BLKST3 BOOLEAN 0 Block of step 3 (start and trip)BLKST4 BOOLEAN 0 Block of step 4 (start and trip)Table 64:EF4PTOC Output signalsName Type DescriptionTRIP BOOLEAN General trip signalTRIN1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from step 1TRIN2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from step 2TRIN3 BOOLEAN Trip signal from step 3Table continues on next page1MRK 502 034-UEN - Section 7Current protection153Technical Manual