The output CMDPOS12 is set when the function receives a CLOSE commandfrom the local HMI when the SLD is displayed and the object is chosen.The output CMDPOS21 is set when the function receives an OPEN commandfrom the local HMI when the SLD is displayed and the object is chosen.It is important for indication in the SLD that the a symbol isassociated with a controllable object, otherwise the symbol won't bedisplayed on the screen. A symbol is created and configured inGDE tool in PCM600.The PSTO input is connected to the Local remote switch to have a selection ofoperators place , operation from local HMI (Local) or through IEC 61850(Remote). An INTONE connection from Fixed signal function block (FXDSIGN)will allow operation from local HMI.As it can be seen, both indications and commands are done in double-bitrepresentation, where a combination of signals on both inputs/outputs generate thedesired result.The following table shows the relationship between IPOS1/IPOS2 inputs and thename of the string that is shown on the SLD. The value of the strings are set in PST.IPOS1 IPOS2 Name of displayed string Default string value0 0 PosUndefined P001 0 Position1 P010 1 Position2 P101 1 PosBadState P1111.5 IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functionsDPGGIO11.5.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberIEC 61850 generic communication I/OfunctionsDPGGIO - -11.5.2 FunctionalityThe IEC 61850 generic communication I/O functions (DPGGIO) function block isused to send double indications to other systems or equipment in the substation. Itis especially used in the interlocking and reservation station-wide logics.Section 11 1MRK 502 034-UEN -Control304Technical Manual