Logic diagramIEC10000214-1-en.vsdStartCurr Xaba>bVoltagecontrol orrestraintfeatureInverseDEF timeselectedInversetimeselectedORSTOCTROCMinPh-PhVoltageMaxPhCurrIEC10000214 V1 ENFigure 112: Simplified internal logic diagram for overcurrent functionOperation_UV=OnStartVolt ANDabb>aMinPh-phVoltageBLKUVIEC10000213-1-en.vsdDEF timeselectedSTUVTRUVIEC10000213 V1 ENFigure 113: Simplified internal logic diagram for undervoltage function7.10.7.5 Undervoltage protectionThe undervoltage step simply compares the magnitude of the measured voltagequantity with the set start level. The undervoltage step starts if the magnitude of themeasured voltage quantity is smaller than the set level.The start signal starts a definite time delay. If the value of the start signal is one forlonger than the set time delay, the undervoltage step sets its trip signal to one.1MRK 502 034-UEN - Section 7Current protection215Technical Manual