Energizing checkVoltage values are measured in the IED centrally and are available for evaluationby the Energizing check function.The frequency on both sides of the circuit breaker is also measured. Thefrequencies must not deviate from the rated frequency more than +/-5Hz.The Energizing direction can be selected individually for the Manual and theAutomatic functions respectively. When the conditions are met the outputsAUTOENOK and MANENOK respectively will be activated if the fusesupervision conditions are fulfilled. The output signal can be delayedindependently for MANENOK and AUTOENOK conditions. The Energizingdirection can also be selected by an integer input AENMODE respectiveMENMODE, which for example, can be connected to a Binary to Integer functionblock (B16I). Integers supplied shall be 1=off, 2=DLLB, 3=DBLL and 4= Both.Not connected input with connection of INTZERO output from Fixed Signals(FIXDSIGN) function block will mean that the setting is done from ParameterSetting tool. The active position can be read on outputs MODEAEN respMODEMEN. The modes are 0=OFF, 1=DLLB, 2=DBLL and 3=Both.The inputs BLOCK and BLKENERG are available for total block of the completeSESRSYN function respective block of the Energizing check function.TSTENERG will allow testing of the function where the fulfilled conditions areconnected to a separate test output. Voltage selectionThe voltage selection module including supervision of included voltagetransformer fuses for the different arrangements is a basic part of the SESRSYNfunction and determines the parameters fed to the Synchronizing, Synchrocheckand Energizing check functions. This includes the selection of the appropriate Lineand Bus voltages and fuse supervision.The default voltages used will be ULine and UBus1. This is also the case whenexternal voltage selection is provided. Fuse failure supervision for the used inputsmust also be connected.The voltage selection function, selected voltages, and fuse conditions are theSynchronizing, Synchrocheck and Energizing check inputs.For the disconnector positions it is advisable to use (NO) a and (NC) b typecontacts to supply Disconnector Open and Closed positions but, it is also possibleto use an inverter for one of the positions. Fuse failure supervisionExternal fuse failure signals or signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB areconnected to binary inputs that are configured to the inputs of SESRSYN functions1MRK 502 034-UEN - Section 11Control289Technical Manual