When it comes to password, upon pressing the key, the following characterswill show up: “✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳”. The user must scroll for every letter in thepassword. After all the letters are introduced (passwords are case sensitive) chooseOK and press the key again.At successful Log on, the local HMI shows the new user name in the status bar atthe bottom of the LCD. If the Log on is OK, when required to change for examplea password protected setting, the local HMI returns to the actual setting folder. Ifthe Log on has failed, an "Error Access Denied" message opens. If a user enters anincorrect password three times, that user will be blocked for ten minutes before anew attempt to log in can be performed. The user will be blocked from logging in,both from the local HMI and PCM600. However, other users are to log in duringthis period.16.14 Authority status ATHSTAT16.14.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberAuthority status ATHSTAT - -16.14.2 FunctionalityAuthority status (ATHSTAT) function is an indication function block for user log-on activity.16.14.3 Function blockATHSTATUSRBLKEDLOGGEDONIEC09000235_en_1.vsdIEC09000235 V1 ENFigure 248: ATHSTAT function block16.14.4 SignalsTable 436:ATHSTAT Output signalsName Type DescriptionUSRBLKED BOOLEAN At least one user is blocked by invalid passwordLOGGEDON BOOLEAN At least one user is logged onSection 16 1MRK 502 034-UEN -Basic IED functions514Technical Manual