desired position directly (without activating the intermediate positions), eitherlocally or remotely, using a “select before execute” dialog. One can block thefunction operation, by activating the BLOCK input. In this case, the presentposition will be kept and further operation will be blocked. The operator place(local or remote) is specified through the PSTO input. If any operation is allowedthe signal INTONE from the Fixed signal function block can be connected.SLGGIO function block has also an integer value output, that generates the actualposition number. The positions and the block names are fully settable by the user.These names will appear in the menu, so the user can see the position namesinstead of a number.11.4 Selector mini switch VSGGIO11.4.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberSelector mini switch VSGGIO - -11.4.2 FunctionalityThe Selector mini switch VSGGIO function block is a multipurpose function usedfor a variety of applications, as a general purpose switch.VSGGIO can be controlled from the menu or from a symbol on the single linediagram (SLD) on the local HMI.11.4.3 Function blockVSGGIOBLOCKPSTOIPOS1IPOS2BLOCKEDPOSITIONPOS1POS2CMDPOS12CMDPOS21IEC09000341-1-en.vsdIEC09000341 V1 ENSection 11 1MRK 502 034-UEN -Control302Technical Manual