16.11.3 Function block3PHSUMBLOCKREVROT^G1AI3P*^G2AI3P*AI3PAI1AI2AI3AI4IEC09000201_1_en.vsdIEC09000201 V1 ENFigure 247: 3PHSUM function block16.11.4 SignalsTable 430:3PHSUM Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionBLOCK BOOLEAN 0 BlockREVROT BOOLEAN 0 Reverse rotationG1AI3P GROUPSIGNAL- Group 1 three phase analog input from first SMAIG2AI3P GROUPSIGNAL- Group 2 three phase analog input from secondSMAITable 431:3PHSUM Output signalsName Type DescriptionAI3P GROUP SIGNAL Linear combination of two connected three phaseinputsAI1 GROUP SIGNAL Linear combination of input 1 signals from bothSMAI blocksAI2 GROUP SIGNAL Linear combination of input 2 signals from bothSMAI blocksAI3 GROUP SIGNAL Linear combination of input 3 signals from bothSMAI blocksAI4 GROUP SIGNAL Linear combination of input 4 signals from bothSMAI blocksSection 16 1MRK 502 034-UEN -Basic IED functions510Technical Manual