4.3.2 Function blockLEDGENBLOCKRESETNEWINDACKIEC09000321-1-en.vsdIEC09000321 V1 ENFigure 4: LEDGEN function blockGRP1_LED1^HM1L01R^HM1L01Y^HM1L01GIEC09000322 V1 ENFigure 5: GRP1_LED1 function blockThe GRP1_LED1 function block is an example, all 15 LED in each of group 1 - 3has a similar function block.4.3.3 SignalsTable 7:LEDGEN Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionBLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Input to block the operation of the LEDsRESET BOOLEAN 0 Input to acknowledge/reset the indication LEDsTable 8:GRP1_LED1 Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionHM1L01R BOOLEAN 0 Red indication of LED1, local HMI alarm group 1HM1L01Y BOOLEAN 0 Yellow indication of LED1, local HMI alarm group 1HM1L01G BOOLEAN 0 Green indication of LED1, local HMI alarm group 1Table 9:LEDGEN Output signalsName Type DescriptionNEWIND BOOLEAN New indication signal if any LED indication inputis setACK BOOLEAN A pulse is provided when the LEDs areacknowledged1MRK 502 034-UEN - Section 4Local Human-Machine-Interface LHMI45Technical Manual