6.6.4 SignalsTable 54:PPLPHIZ Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionI3P GROUPSIGNAL- Three phase group signal for current inputsV3P GROUPSIGNAL- Three phase group signal for voltage inputsBLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of functionRELAG BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the A to ground loopRELBG BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the B to ground loopRELCG BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the C to ground loopPHSEL INTEGER 0 Integer coded external release signalTable 55:PPLPHIZ Output signalsName Type DescriptionPICKUP BOOLEAN Indicates start for ground fault(s), regardless of directionZREL INTEGER Integer coded output release signal6.6.5 SettingsTable 56:PPLPHIZ Group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionOperMode No FilterNoPref1231c1321c123a132a213a231a312a321a- - No Filter Operating mode (c=cyclic,a=acyclic)PU27PN 10.0 - 100.0 %VB 1.0 70.0 Operate value of phase undervoltage in % ofVBasePU27PP 10.0 - 100.0 %VB 1.0 50.0 Operate value of line to line undervoltage in %of VBase3V0PU 5.0 - 300.0 %VB 1.0 20.0 Operate value of residual voltage in % ofVBasePickup_N 10 - 200 %IB 1 20 Operate value of residual current in % of IBasetVN 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Pickup delay for residual voltagetOffVN 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Dropoff delay for residual voltagetIN 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.150 Pickup delay for residual current1MRK 506 335-UUS A Section 6Impedance protection171Technical manual